Friday, October 31, 2008

A more practical, it seems, detailing of my life

So what's up in my life? It's been awhile since i've gone back through it...

well, 'bout two months ago I decided to step away from working with the youth and playing in the band at church. I'd been working in both for a long, long time, and it had pretty much gotten to the point where I would go to the ministries with a big sigh of reluctance and it quite frankly stopped being anything close to fun or anything. It had gotten to the point, musically, that I had stopped playing my guitar for fun or on my own, and I was not cool with that. So i'm taking a break for awhile, and i'm loving the time off. and i'm enjoying simply enjoying my guitar.

Last week I applied for a center manager position in Berkeley, and I interviewed for it earlier this week. As i'd suspected after the interview and talking with the recruiter, they already had a candidate they'd pretty much decided on before the position was officially posted. It's a pretty common practice in our company, so i completely understand. So I didn't get it, but I had an excellent opportunity to practice my interviews, plus I put my name out officially and i'm known. Apparently, I did a pretty good interview, got some good feedback though so next time I'll be even better.

I've been going to the gym pretty regularly, between 3-6 times each depending on my schedule. It's crazy, i'm definately enjoying it. Well, i figure i must be because I don't have any trouble motivating myself to go do it (most days). I start each workout by running for 10 minutes (increasing the speed every few days), then I do a couple of sets of two different weights/exercises (i've got a semi-regular routine of a couple different ones i rotate through), and then I finish everything off by running for another 5 minutes. I'm probably going to change up, down the speed and up the time on my runs, working my speed back up again.

I was pretty excited. I set a goal for myself to do sets of 250 pounds for deadlifts by the end of October. Last monday (monday's my deadlift day) I was doing my sets at 255 pounds. Well, i'm on my final set when the song "Waitin' for Superman" by the Flaming Lips comes on my .mp3 player. Why is that amusing? Well, the chorus to that song simply goes..."Is it getting heavy? I thought it was already as heavy as can be."

Still reading a lot, but you can read about that in other posts.

There's, of course, somethign else going on in my life this month, but it's not really fully developed so I'm keeping the DL on it right now.

I am way excited to be going home to Kansas for thanksgiving. for more than one reason.

I got an xBox 360. Madden 09 is mjuch better than 08, but the real news is that i got Fallout 3. that game is pretty darn incredible so far. Tomb Raider comes out next month, and a bunch of other quality games.

And also in exciting news....75 days left 'till Peru! w00t!


Anonymous said...

You sound happy. :) I'm glad. What's going on in Peru?

Jackson said...

Congrats on the Deadlift! I wasn't even up to 200 before I hurt my knee and I've had to take a break from deads and squats. I can't wait to start doing them again.

Thanks for the wide-ranging update, too. I regret we haven't been able to hang out much at all lately. Hopefully that can be rectified.

Jesse and Melissa said...

Peru!!!! Remember to take your yellow fever shots. Apparently there is an dengue fever going around in the jungle. Machu Picchu here we come!

Mikey G said...

Just found out you have a blog. Thanks for adding me... unlike all of my other so called friends! :-)