in the meantime, i have been busy. and lazy. In alternating altercations. Which is sort of how I like to live my life.
I went to the gym on thursday after work and started my new(ish) routine. I figure I'll follow this pattern until the end of november, and then I'll go back to more full time distance running for december and january (in case i decide to run the SF half marathon again in the beginning of Feb). So i figure this is what I'll do: Mondays & Wednesdays I'll do Krav Maga, as I have been. Thursdays I'll go into the gym. i'll start with running a fast mile (for me fast) on the treadmill, and slowly increase the distance on that until i hit the 5k distance at the end of November. the idea behind this is not necessarily to improve my distance pace (although I can't imagine it hurting), but to be able to run a sub 24 minute 5k. Right now on my average everyday runs, I run a 27, 28 minute 5k. But anyways, after the (fast) mile, I'll go in the back and work on some weights and exercises specifically aimed to supplement my Krav classes--I want to go into the 1st level test in december and rock the two-ish hour warm up routine. Last Thursday i did pullups (3 sets of 8), decline situps with a 25 pound weight (3x8), power cleans (3x5 but that will increase), and then more decline situps (3 times to failure) with jabs. I'll probably be adding or switching pushups & pushups with jabs, and maybe some planking. But after all that, i finished up with another mile on the treadmill to cool down. Slow this time. I say slow, but what i really mean is at my current average ideal distance pace (9-9:15 minute miles).
All that for thursdays? Depending on what's going on, I'll add workouts on one or both saturday & sunday. I'll do a distance run (6-8 miles) on one of the days, and if i decide to add the second workout i'll make my way back to the gym for a similar routine to thursday. I ran 6+ miles saturday. For reasons listed below, I didn't do anything sunday...
it's been a long time since I did any weights or such. I'm pretty sure i couldn't move my arms or lift them above my shoulders on friday. or saturday. sunday was better, and it took until today to be just fine. i'll be honest. it was on the intense side of sore; it hurt like ache ee double-hockey-stick.
I took saturday & sunday to relax, play some guitar, and cook some breakfasts. My two favorie things about saturdays: being able to put on a second pot of coffee if i feel like it, and taking the time to cook breakfast. i have this recipe (ok, it's a mix, in a box, that you add water to) I mix up (by adding some vanilla and peanut butter) for these cakes. These cakes are incredible. you wouldn't believe can make them in a PAN. I call them pancakes. it's brilliant. it'll revolutionize breakfasts everywhere. And some days I make them with sausage, or bacon. let's be honest. I could be making paper mache and adding bacon would make it a wonderful breakfast.
I went to Krav today, made some soup (try #2 liz, I'll let you know how it comes out!), and worked on chapter 5. The detective's story is easy. I love it. I mean, it's probably my favorite and it's the core story that the other two were built around. well, that's sort of misleading; the two other stories are completely independent, but they were cooked up in my brain long after the detective's story. I've had that one percolating for on two years now.
But other things of importance: it has been brought to my attention that october may or may not be Velociraptor Attack Awareness Month. Which seems sort of surprising to me, on account of halloween (or more ominously, la Día de los Muertos). I'd figure we should be planning for a zombie apocalypse. Don't kid yourself--it could happen, but then again, maybe not. Maybe velociraptors are the viable threat. either way, you outta know your exits. It's just good sense.
This all from a man who keeps a wooden stake in his bedroom. Just in case. I'd rather have one and not need it then need one and not have it. I'm just sayin.
I saw eggnog at the grocery store the other day. Clearly some higher power is looking out for me. Apple cider season at the same time as egg nog season? This must be what heaven is like, beveragely. Or, it is yet another sign of the apocalypse.
Without further delay...
Soundtrack for Today:
Activities for the Day:
- Avoid being choked from the side--extended arm and close range
- Begin Chapter 5
- Soupy experiments (details tomorrow, hopefully!)
- Read some of Going to Kansas City
- Read some of the Drowning Pool
- Read the first chapter of Raymond Chandler's The Little Sister (as research/refresher for the Detective's Story)
The Bryant Building in downtown Kansas City, where my detective has his office. Most all of the locations in my novel are historically accurate (except for the main night club, which is historically based but a few details have been changed to suit the story)
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