Tuesday, August 23, 2011

616 Word Count Avenue

I know 616 words isn't much to be excited about for many writers, but that's what I put down tonight. I'm excited about it, because it's far and above my daily word counts so far. I'm okay with starting slow, working my way up. Not a sprint...

I'm having trouble writing this in my own voice, which is also pretty exciting. Chapter 1 is from the Singer's Tale, as I've mentioned many times, and the Singer's Tale is from the perspective of a much older singer (in modern times) looking back and writing her memoirs/autobiography. That means it's written in her voice. Why am I excited about having difficulty writing in my own voice? Well, that means i'm actually establishing her own voice, her cadence and vocabulary, and best of all! it's not my own default voicing! Sadie's character is starting to develop.

One of the difficulties I'm anticipating in this novel is that it will be written from three completely separate voices. In order to be successful in my vision, each story must have it's own unique style. It's part of the whole experiment, how three completely different stories and genre's and styles can weave together to compliment and build on each other.

So, yay.

So, then...

Activities for Today:
  • Wrote 616 words in Chapter 1 (as counted by Open Office)
  • Will read a few more pages of Goin' to Kansas City
  • Read the article Mikey G posted on my facebook about Robert Heinlein's 5 Rules of Writing
Picture of the Day:

The facade for the DeLuxe Nightclub, down at the 18th & Vine Historical District in KC. This building face was constructed for the movie Kansas City, and remains just down the street from the American Jazz Museum. Although I'm pretty sure (and i might be wrong) that it's the historical location for such a club. The DeLuxe is the night club that Sadie, our singer, got her first break. There is a night club that will feature prominently in the story, but it's a fictional club (although it's modeled after a club from Detroit). I haven't named that club yet. If I knew I would have no copyright issues, i would call it Fascination Street

Music of the Day

Beverage of the Day
Goals for Tomorrow
  • Write, as possible, in Chapter 1. The Plan is for Chapter 1 (before re-writes and add-writes) to come in about 3-5 pages, and I would like to be finished with that by Friday
  • Transcribe handwritten notes onto files (this has been a goal for a few days without success, but it's a goal that can be put off safely)
  • Read in Goin to Kansas City

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