Monday, September 19, 2011

8 Seconds

So the last two weeks haven't gone by as planned. Last week especially. I mean, I guess you could give me a hall pass for spending the week in Dallas for work and succumbing to an annoying (but physically draining) head cold. Or you could not. that's really on you.

I was supposed to run a lot last week, and write a lot. I ran about 9 miles total on 2 days, before dehydration and the common cold had their way with me. I was supposed to write, at least semi-regularly, and i barely touched it. I was all out of sorts, all week.

I got back late friday night, and I spent saturday on the couch recovering my cold. Sunday I was feeling better (but still in recovery mode), so I watched a lot of football and held back most of the day. I was still suffering my out-of-town hangover. I decided to hold off on regular activities until today (Monday), on which I would resume my normal(-ish) schedule.

Which I mostly did. I went to Krav Maga, and jumped right in. At the end of our second (particularly uptempo) warm-up exercise, I got a little light-headed and I knew that I was not quite as over my cold as i expected I was. I sat out the next group to see if i could jump back in. I decided against it, and cut the workout short. I'd rather play caution today, and (since tuesdays are a normal rest day) pick back up at full strength on Wednesday.

I did sit myself down and force myself to write in the novel for a bit tonight. it was slow going, but I sat at it and put some words down. I'm going to go fix some dinner and play some video games next.

And can we please not mention the Chiefs? At least not for a little bit, until the stinging, horrible pain has subsided a little.

Daily (Resumed) Activities:
  • Research the location of the Crossroads in the story
  • Research Black Mask pulp magazine issues from 1933
  • Write 441 words on Chapter 2 (as counted by Open Office)
Music of the Day:Pictures of the Day:

The "neon-lit sign of the Hotel Monroe" at 1908 Main Street in "Kaycee." A little bit of history there, if you wanna look it up. I was really excited, because several aspects of this hotel (including it's location, both in relation to historics and the needs of my story) were tailor-hemmed to fit my story. My "villain" (although that's sort of misleading, you'll understand when you get to read it) has his room up in this hotel.

One of the things I'm really working on in this story is tying it down right and well with the time period. I'm trying to be very accurate as far as most of the buildings, fashions, and pop culture of the time. Part of that (and also part homage to the foundations much of the story is built upon) is a reference I included to the Black Mask magazine (cover shone from April of 1933). It has no specific bearing to the plot, but it's sort of an Easter Egg for the readers. I guess you guys will all know about it already. I give you permission to point it out to people and brag about how you figured it out when my novel becomes a best-seller.

Goals for Tomorrow:

  • Become completely un-sick
  • Continue writing in Chapter 2, as possible. The goal of the week, writing-wise, finish chapter 2 by Friday (or thursday, since friday is usually an off-day)
  • Catch up on Warehouse 13 and Eureka (i'm goign to have to catch up on Castle & Big Bang Theory soon...i'm running out of TV time!)
  • Blog about Storytelling in the Medium of TV (postponement possible)

1 comment:

stephanie said...

Ugh, sorry to hear you've been sick! Hope you feel better soon.