Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Epic Fail

There are few things in life as wonderful as a three day weekend, but this three day weekend totally threw me for a loop, or maybe two or three. Heck, I could probably count 23 loops.

I expected to take Friday, and maybe Saturday off. I didn't expect to take Sunday and Monday off as well, but I did. I actually thought about sitting down and writing on Monday, but it didn't happen. Motivation wasn't there. I did read some pages in Goin to Kansas City, but that's no substitute.

What, then, did I do this weekend?
  • Laundry. Mostly completely caught up. w00t!
  • Feng Shui. I dont' actually believe in it, but there are very few things in my life that are more unstressful than a clean & organized room. I assure you, this is a rare item in my life. But I got it in my head, and cleaned up and moved all the furniture around in my room. Much improved! Also, now I have a couch in my room. Ideally, to sit and read on. realistically, to throw things on rather than the floor.
  • Surround Sound. In "where-the-heck-did-that-come-from" fashion, I got a Dolby surround sound "home theatre audio" system, and "installed" it in the living room. No longer am i running the TV through my 15 year old shelf stereo (which i fully intend to put into my room).
  • Wrote a song on my acoustic guitar.
Other items, not bullet-point indicated, include running, football, and one really cool couplet.

On Saturday morning, i did swallow my pride and went out to play flag football with the guys. It was a great game. 6-on-6, then 7-on-7 at the end. I had a monster first half, and a rough second half. The first half I had 3 catches, including a short gain, a long gain (that should have been a touchdown), and a short catch with a long run after catch that involved an excellent stiff arm, some tough running, and a touchdown. my dexterity limitations were revealed in the 2nd half on defense, and I got victimized more often that i would've liked for catches (and maybe a touchdown or two).

Mostly it felt great because I ran up and down the field and hardly felt winded. By the time we called it quits, most of the others were huffin' and puffin', and I was still primed to go. This is not the nate you used to know on the football field (although my reputation as Nasty Nate remains...and I don't discourage it).

I was sore saturday evening and sunday, so i got lazy and didn't go running. but i did go out for my 4 miler on Monday at least. I ran it at my race pace, and it felt natural and good (for the most part). I was not well hydrated though. Gotta work on that.

I wrote a song, and it's okay. I like the chorus a bit, but the verses don't really feel as complete. Nothing super fancy. on a positive note--I don't write many songs these days, so anytime i do I feel accomplished. Depending on how I feel about them later this week, I might copy the lyrics.

While looking through my song notebook for inspiration for lyrics on teh verse, I came across a couplet i wrote a long time ago. I don't think it would make good song lyrics, but I think it's an excellent poetic couplet. Every once in awhile i write an excellent line or two that seem pulled out of the ether from some masterwork. this couplet:

"Using streetlights for sunlight and tail lights to guide me
I'm running from something I won't let define me"

I like 'em.

I was supposed to receive my ordered laptop today, but UPS is a bunch of useless idiots. They didn't deliver it because they "invalid address" (aka the driver couldn't find it). I literally had to call up the world's largest delivery courier service and give them directions to my store so they could deliver it tomorrow. Seriously? And they treated me like it was my fault. I work for a shipping/delivery company. If someone had called me with that complaint, that would've been a pretty big deal and I would've moved heaven and earth to make sure they got taken care of. I had to talk to no less than 5 people at UPS over the course of an hour and a half, and none of them cared and it was only with a blunt force that i was able to make anything happen. This is not the first time this has happened with them. Or the second. or the third. i have never had a UPS package that was delivered without something or other causing me to fight through 4 or 5 customer service people before they would actually even deliver my package. I would much rather give a five dollar bill and my package to a raccoon and hope it got there eventually than use UPS ever again. Much more faith in the raccoon.

I did sort of get back on the horse tonight. I really wasn't motivated to write, but I had to force myself to sit down and work on the novel. I didn't add anything to the text, but i did transcribe the notes for the Musician's Tale and plan out the (very brief) chapter summaries. That means that I now have all of the major scenes/chapters for the entire novel identified with at the least a very brief summary/note about them. The details can come later, but i'm not shooting in the dark any more!

Well, then...

Activities for Today:
  • Hate UPS (check!)
  • Transcribe notes for the musician's tale & begin outlining process
  • Read some Goin' to Kansas City
Music of the Day:
The Best Movie EVER
Actress that I always fall in love with when I see her, but forget about (and then regret forgetting):
Goals for Tomorrow:
  • Do not go postal on UPS
  • Write, as possible, in Chapter 2, The Musician's Tale
  • Read!
  • Setup new laptop
  • Run 2 miles before Krav, and then Krav after running 2 miles.
  • Don't fall behind at workLink

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