Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day After Suckage

So apparently my run yesterday was worse than i thought. I knew i was dehydrated, but it caught up with me, oh did it ever. I even knew it right after the run started, about a mile into it I said to myself, "I didn't drink enough water." I decided to soldier on through, figured i might be a little uncomfortable later.

so yeah. that little was a lot. a whole sucking lot. I started drinking water after i got back, and when I sat down to watch the Raiders on MNF, I could feel a little headache coming on. I didn't want to wait for it, so i poured another glass of water, and took some excedrin migraine medicine. usually works.

By the third quarter, the tv was the only light in the room and it's glare was the worst light ever. My head was stuck in a vice grip that kept getting tighter & tighter. My jaw hurt. My muscles ached. My stomach was queasy. I was flushed, hot. it was late, i had to get up early, i decided to pack it in and sleep it off.

I hurt so much I couldn't sleep. i thought i was going to throw up, and so I went to the bathroom. I didn't throw up, but I could feel the heat racing up and down my body. the only thing that was remotely comfortable was the cold bathroom tiles against my warm skin. I lay on the cold floor until i was sure i wasn't going to throw up, and exhaustion overpowered the dull, constant aching of my body.

I crawled into bed, and slept until morning. And then through my alarm. I overslept by an hour. I only barely made it up and out the door to get to class on time this morning. The migraine was gone, thankfully, but it left it's toll on me. Usually, I sleep off a migraine and I'm fine. Not today; i was groggy and light-headed for most of the day. Not serious, not enough to impair any functioning, but enough to be annoying. It finally subsided after dinner.

If you've had a migraine before, you know what i'm talking about.

But I'm sure you wanted to hear about THAT. I'm done, so you can keep reading.

I didn't go running today. I still don't think I drank enough water today, and after yesterday's debacle, I wasn't going to chance it. Also, right after class one of the instructors took us all out to dinner at BJ's. I wasn't going to turn that down. By the time we got back from that, a run wasn't really feasible.

I think BJ's may be my favorite "sit-down" restaurant these days. I love everything on the menu. I'm not an appetizer guy, but their avocado egg rolls are a must-have. The pizzas are excellent, some of the best pizza i've had. Bonus, they brew their own beer, root beer, cream soda, and black cherry soda. there is not one part of that i do not love.

I got back home from BJ's, and I worked on my novel. That's been my day, in it's entirety today. Wake up late, class, dinner at BJ's, time on the novel. I'm going to read a little bit in just a few minutes, then i'm going to sleep. let's be honest, i might turn on the tv for a little as well.

In accordance with tradition...

Novelty acts, done:
  • research heroin & heroin use in the 1930's (one of my characters is a heroin addict. Let's see...two of my important minor characters are strip-tease waitresses, my jazz singer's a heroin addict, that means my novel will be full of good ol' fashion sex, drugs, and jazz. No rolls, unless I mention dinner rolls.)
  • continued writing in Chapter 2. Not many words, but put down the first draft of the "the devil doesn't play guitar, he plays bass" speech.
Music of the Day:
Inside Joke of the Day:
  • "Ahhh.......pirate."
Goals for tomorrow:
  • Drink more water
  • 5 Mile run
  • continue to work on chapter 2, as possible
  • don't oversleep and wake up early enough for a hot breakfast at the hotel

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Too bad! I hope you are feeling better.